Eye Gaze Resources

Eye gaze technology can help young learners with physical or communication difficulties access computers and communication devices; and encourage more active involvement in instructional routines which results in longer attention states and cognitive development.

  • Communication: Students can use eye movements to communicate and participate in activities.

  • Learning: Students can use eye gaze technology to access learning materials.

  • Insight into processing: Teachers can use eye gaze technology to observe how students respond to stimuli and prompts.

Below are links to online instructional apps to use with whatever eye gaze systems you are using.

Board Games (online)

Eye Gaze games using the Chooseit app. (Select this link to download the Chooseit player app)

Examples created with Chooseit for the purpose of Eye Gaze practice. Looking at the objects on the screen actives them. From within the Chooseit apps, select the Redeem code button and enter: BWXTNQ and FUJTCX

Feel free to suggest other apps that we can design for you. Don't forget information to contact you (name, email, phone number).